The more you learn the more you realise these styles are not set in stone, and the rules surrounding bonsai are more like guidelines. Rules always have exceptions and they are broken nowhere more than Japan (Bonsai Heresy).
Yet we must begin somewhere, and the rules are a good place to start.
The broom style gets its name from its similarity to an upside down Japanese broom. Formally, a straight trunk that divides a third up the tree into multiple branches growing diagonally upward from the trunk like a fan.
Source: Formal broom style
This style emphasises refinement and structure so species with fine branching work well. A favourite is the Elm (Ulmus) species such as the
Other species that work well are
Deciduous trees let you see the structure in winter but broadleaf evergreens also work. Not suitable for pines and junipers.
A deciduous tree that has a broom style typically grows alone, without other trees around it. They can be seen growing in open spaces like fields or parks. The broom style means that the tree has many branches that spread out from the trunk, like a broom. The tree looks natural and balanced. Here are some examples:
Source: Ulmus americana ‘Princeton’
Source: Dutch Elm
Bonsai Composer is a tool that generates trees based on your preferences. You can adjust the movement, taper, direction, and more.
You might be able to find a tree that inspires you.
Try Bonsai ComposerThe broom style has many forms. They are formal, informal and trunk continuation. The branches start in different ways, but after that they are generally trimmed and shaped the same.
Source: Formal broom style
The straight trunk splits into several branches at a point about one-third of the way up from the base. The branches grow outwards and upwards, forming a fan-like shape. The tree may have inverse taper at this branching point, which means the trunk is thicker above than below. This is not a flaw but a feature of the style.
Source: Walter Pall
A tree without a straight trunk styled into a broom. Its branches may not originate from a single point on the trunk (unlike the formal form). Although similar to "trunk continuation", there is an obvious visual difference.
Source: Kimura's Broom
The tree has a single trunk that goes all the way to the top. The branches grow out of the trunk at different heights. The branches near the bottom are more flat and become more slanted toward the top.
When I visited Japan in 2023, Master Kimura had three shohin broom style bonsai. A formal, informal, and trunk continuation form of the same species and age. It's a great opporunity to see how the forms vary.
Trunk continuation
Straight trunks are flaws in many styles but a feature of the broom style. If you are considering trunk chopping a straight trunk to add movement, pause and consider its potential as a broom.
A broom style is a good option for a tree with inverse taper. This is when the trunk is thicker at the top than at the bottom. It is a flaw for many styles but a occurs in broom style because of multiple branches growing from the same point.
In my opinion, broom style bonsai are a great option for beginners because they get you practicing a lot of techniques and:
Some of the techniques and concepts you get exposed to:
Some reasons against broom style bonsai for beginners are:
Although many would say broom style bonsai are not for beginners, beginners should prioritise practice. You must ask yourself what your current goals are. Is it to create a museum quality tree or to learn and practice as much as possible?
If people only practiced on trees with "thick and old enough trunks to make a great bonsai", no one would have any experience. People can get too hung up on that especially when starting out.
There are several methods used to make a broom style bonsai. The difference is in the setup of the branching. After that the clip and grow technique is used the same for all of them.
There are limited instructions online for creating broom style bonsai. Here is a list of resources that demonstrate methods other enthusiasts have used.
Source: Sacrificial branch
Source: Pruning broom style
Bonsai Designer is a tool to help you practice, experiment, and improve your design over time no matter the style. You can upload a picture of your tree, experiment with various orientations, styles, deadwood, and foliage combinations.
The designs you create are saved online so you can compare and revisit them.
Try Bonsai DesignerThe tree and its pot work together to create bonsai. Important factors to consider are the color, size, shape, and feet.
Broom style trees are deciduous or broadleaf evergreens so a glazed pot is chosen. The glaze colour can be any shade that suits your preference. Some people like to match the colour of the flowers or the leaves, while others prefer a contrast. Blue is a classic option that creates a harmonious look with the green foliage.
The pot and the tree have a balanced relationship. The pot is as tall as the tree's trunk, but not as wide as the tree's branches. This way, the tree can spread its leaves over the pot and create a beautiful contrast.
Broom styles are usually associated with a more feminine energy - they have smooth bark and thin branches. This makes them suitable for oval or lotus pots that highlight their delicate and detailed features.
The bottom of a pot is an important feature that affects its appearance and function. Different pots have different kinds of feet, which determine how much space there is between the pot and the surface it rests on. Small feet create more space, which gives a sense of lightness and movement, but also less stability. Large feet create less space, which gives a sense of solidity and heaviness, but also more stability.
Broom styles have a visual impression of stability and harmony. Large feet can enhance this effect by providing a strong base for the tree. Brooms also have interior space (first third on both sides of trunk), which can be accentuated by small feet to contrast with the foliage.
Finding a pot that matches your bonsai can be hard and you often don't know until you try. That's why we created a tool that lets you try different pots with your bonsai. Just upload a picture of your plant and explore over 100 options of shapes, colors, and sizes. Best of all, it's free!
Try pots online